Shelf Stable Saturday- A new goal

 One of the goals I have set for myself while getting the Farms to Families food boxes, is to use any money saved to build up a little emergency stockpile.  I have been hearing rumors all over the internet that food is going to get much more expensive, and in reality, it always does. Things cost more now than they did 2, 5 10 years ago. Inflation raises the cost of everything. So after we used the extra money to pay for a few things we needed (looking at you stupidly high electric bill) I decided to use the extra money to add to my cupboards instead of putting money back into the gift category. Last week I was able to get 5 boxes of pasta for $0.49 each and 5 cans of green beans.  This week I am buying 5 cans of spaghetti sauce, and several of those 10 packs of store brand Koolaid. I will put these in the cupboard, and whenever I use one, I will replace it at my next shopping trip if I can so I have a buffer in case of a bad week or something. I figure the boxes save me $20, so I am trying to spend $5 a week on stock up things.

 My goal is to have 5 each of 7 shelf stable dinners. I figure that way, if we just need a cushion for the budget, that would help out without wiping out our whole stash, or if something really bad happens, we will have 2 and 1/2 weeks of food in case we couldn't buy anything at all. 

I made sure to pick things we eat often so I can rotate, and that didn't have a lot of ingredients. I am going to collect the meals in order of least ingredients starting with Spaghetti and green beans.  Here is what else I am planning to store

  • Pancakes, applesauce and fried spam
  •  Chicken Enchilada soup and crackers 
  • Boxed mac and cheese mixed with tuna with baked beans and carrots
  • Ramen with white beans and spinach
  • Fried rice with canned vegetables and canned chicken
  • Chili

I am also going to make sure there is always a jar of unopened peanut butter and box of crackers. We eat saltines and peanut butter or egg salad ALL THE TIME so I won't have to worry about the crackers going stale.

If you have an opportunity to join me in working towards an emergency stash goal, let me know in the comments! Let me know what your goal is and your plans for achieving it.

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