Giving when you are broke-3 Taking care of yourself

 Here's another post from last years series, hope it is helpful!

 Free Vector | Blue christmas banner with white glowing xmas trees

   Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. Everyone says so. The people on the radio, in the movies, in the commercials, on the internet are all telling us be of good cheer, it's the most wonderful time of the year! But some years, not so much. Those living in motels, shelters, their car, and barely keeping their head above water are not feeling like Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. Those that have lost loved ones, those with family in the hospital, those struggling with family problems are not being cheered up by all the lovely family pictures, the sappy movies, the daggone coffee commercial where the kid comes home from college. For some of us, Christmas is a time to endure.

   I am sorry about that. I am sorry about the pressure our society puts on struggling families at Christmas. I am sorry that your child has to listen to all the great stuff Santa brought other kids in her class while maybe Santa passed her by, or couldn't find her. I am sorry that it looks like everyone else's happy, healthy families have it all together and it makes  you feel like there is something wrong with yours. I am sorry that the tv is beating you over the head with images of all the stuff you should buy so you can have a good Christmas. I get it, and I am sorry.

   Some years I get all into the holiday spirit and some years I white knuckle it for the kids. Here are a few ways to try to help yourself so that you can be the person you want to be over the holidays. I hope you find something that helps here.

  • Morning Routine- Spend 5 minutes in the morning by yourself, no phone, no tv. Just grab something to drink and read, journal, get outside, pray or meditate. This is something to try to start your day on a positive note. No list making, just focusing on yourself.
  • Outside time- Even if it's cold where you are, you can spend a few minutes everyday outside in the fresh air and sun. Take a quick walk, sit on a patio or even just spend a minute leaned against your car with your face to the sun before you go into work.
  • Be intentional- Only do the things you absolutely have to, or the things that bring you joy. Say "no" to anything that doesn't fall into either of those categories. Be very protective of your time and energy.
  • Decorate with your favorite things... or don't- For some, decorating helps lift their mood, and if that is you, go crazy! But if decorating pulls your mood down, don't. You can make your space a respite from all the holiday hoopla.
  • Nap- Seriously, I nap on my day off, even if I have stuff to do.
  • Read an actual book- If tv or internet is a trigger for you, then escape into a book instead.
  • Laugh- Call up that friend who makes you laugh, watch a silly movie or play some sort of silly game, whatever it takes to make you laugh so hard you cry. It is really cathartic.
  • Write- Write down whatever is bothering you. Write your frustrations, sadness, stress. Vent on paper, it is as good as a gripe fest with a friend.
  • Recognize the good things- Even if the only good you can find in your situation is that there is someone else out there worse off than you, start there.
  • Make something- write a poem, make up a silly song, draw with your kids, anything counts!
  • Give- Pass on any hand me downs, share your meal with someone, give your time to an organization that needs you (but only if it will bring you joy)
  • Breathe and let go- Deep breath in, deep breath out, and just let it go. 

  If your situation has gotten to the point you don't think you can help yourself, please reach out for help. You are not the only one struggling this year.  

