Monday Meal Planning and Ideas To Use Rotisserie Chicken

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 Getting a little creative with our meat this week. Our local grocery store had those precooked chickens on sale this week, and it turned out to be very near the same price for a whole cooked bird as it was to buy two pounds of uncooked chicken legs, but you had to buy two. So I did! We ate one for dinner and I got a breast, talk about decadent. I can't remember the last time I had some white chicken meat. 

 So what I did since dinner was so easy (the rotisserie chicken, microwave baked potatoes, corn) was go ahead and pick all of the meat off the bones of the other chicken to use this week. I put all the bones and extra bits into the crockpot to cook overnight into broth.

 I looked around the internet for the best way to stretch that chicken as far as it would go. I tried to find ideas that used the chicken most efficiently, sort of like making things chicken flavored instead of the chicken being the main. Here is what I came up with:

chicken bacon ranch quesadillas- chicken, bacon ranch dressing, cheese

buffalo chicken bagels- bagels, chicken mixed with melted butter and hot sauce, cream cheese

chicken pasta salad- pasta, onion, cucumber, tomatoes, boiled egg, bacon ranch mixed with some mayo and lemon juice

Here are some links to lists of ways to use a rotisserie chicken up


  • Breakfast- Leftover pancakes, banana
  • Lunch- Sandwiches, pretzels, grapes
  • Dinner- Rotisserie chicken, microwave baked potato, corn


  • Breakfast- Egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches, banana
  • Lunch-  Sandwiches, pretzels, grapes
  • Dinner- Chicken bacon ranch quesadillas, chips and salsa


  • Breakfast- Peanut butter Oatmeal, applesauce
  • Lunch- Buffalo chicken bagels, carrots and celery sticks, pretzels
  • Dinner- Frittata toast, fruit cocktail


  • Breakfast- Scrambled eggs, toast, banana
  • Lunch-  sandwiches, pretzels, grapes
  • Dinner- Chicken pasta salad, watermelon, crackers


  • Breakfast- Toast, egg, banana
  • Lunch- Ramen, crackers, canned peaches
  • Dinner- Microwave burritos, chips and salsa


  • Brunch- Fried bologna breakfast sandwiches, fried potatoes and onions
  • Dinner- Skillet Ham & Rice, peas, garlic bread


 Have a good week!

~ Sarah




