Monday Meal Planning and Making Do

Ripped Jeans Vector Art, Icons, and ...

 We still have some berries, grapes, potatoes, bologna and sausage from last week's big sale. This is what I am basing my menu around this week. I spent more than my usual weekly budget for groceries last week so will need to spend less this week to make up for it, and probably less the next few. But I did it on purpose to get us a little more variety in our diet. The berries are very welcome, and buy spending less on staples like potatoes and bologna, we can have a few different things. The muffins were a big hit and I'll be able to make batches in the future with the berries I froze. At that price they were less expensive than buying already frozen ones. Some variety is most welcome.

Something else to contend with this week is the heat. Last week we had temps in the lower 80s, but this week everyday is 95 or higher. I am sad about this, but have to take that into account. This week will be meals that take minimal cooking to try to keep our home as comfortable as possible. So no soups or casseroles this week.  

  I have been reading a book about the great depression called We Had Everything But Money. It is a collection of people's stories about growing up during the depression. They are short stories detailing whatever memories people wanted to share and has been very interesting. I have been reading stories to my family out loud all week. One thread that weaves through most of the stories is making do. Need clothes?  Make do with what you have and turn something else into what you need. Time for a meal? Make do. If all you have is potatoes, then potatoes it is. There are tons of recipes online for making cakes with no eggs, all kinds of substitutions people discovered or came up with. The stories detail all of the strategies people used to make do and get by.

  Some things we do naturally. Worn out clothes become rags. Leftover sour cream containers become food storage. Old t shirts become pajamas. Stale bread becomes croutons or bread crumbs. Learning to look around for solutions first, rather than looking to buy something is a skill that needs to be cultivated. Creative thinking generates more creative thinking. Once we start looking around at what usable things we have, the more ideas come to us. The creative juices get flowing and we start to see possibilities in all kinds of places. One funny example I have from this week, my niece went back to college this week. They went to Walmart to get a shower curtain and rings. No rings. Went to the Dollar Tree, once again, no rings. So she bought some zip ties and zip tied her shower curtain to the bar until  she can get some rings! Who knew there was a shower curtain ring shortage! Not sure where the shower curtain rings are, haha, but creative thinking allowed her to take a shower!

  Another way we have been making do is I have been repairing my husband's jeans. He had three pairs with the knees ripped out. I took an outgrown pair from one of the kids, watched a couple of youtube videos, and patched the knees. The first patch was ugly, but really, he only wears them around here, so that didn't matter. The more patches I made, the better I got at it. So now he has 3 pairs of jeans that will last a little longer without ripping any farther. The internet is a wonderful resource for learning new skills and I am grateful for it. I've learned to cook new foods, make patches for jeans, and how to make jam. Honestly, I get a little thrill out of mending, fixing, or redneck engineering solutions. It can be a kind of hobby.

This week, I am focusing on using up the bologna, using potatoes, and finishing the berries.

Here is this week's menu plan, have a great week!


  • Breakfast- Leftover pancakes, banana
  • Lunch-Bologna sandwiches, crackers, berries
  • Dinner- Sloppy Joes with 1/2 ground beef 1/2 lentils, roasted potatoes, green beans


  • Breakfast- Eggs and toast, banana
  • Lunch- Homemade lunchable, grapes, boiled egg
  • Dinner- microwave baked potatoes topped with leftover sloppy joe, corn


  • Breakfast- Peanut butter and jelly toast, banana
  • Lunch-  Bean and cheese quesadillas, grapes
  •  Dinner- Sausage gravy and biscuits, peas


  • Breakfast- Scrambled egg, toast, banana
  • Lunch- Bologna sandwiches, crackers, carrots and celery sticks
  • Dinner- Mexican Roasted Potatoes, corn, garlic toast



  • Breakfast- Egg, tomato and cheese breakfast sandwiches, hashbrown patty
  • Lunch- Hot dogs, mac and cheese, cucumber slices
  • Dinner- Nachos with leftovers, salsa


 Have a good week!

~ Sarah
