Monday Meal Planning and sorry! I forgot to hit publish!

 I canNOT wait for it to get a little warmer! We have been below freezing for 10 days now, which is unusual for us, and tomorrow it will be in the low 30's! I am very happy about that, but I have enjoyed looking out the window at the snow. We have been drinking a LOT of hot tea and hot lemonade. My younger kids are not really into tea, but have grown very fond of hot water with lemon juice and sugar added. Like a LOT. There is nothing as nice as holding a warm mug while watching the snow come down or after coming in from the cold. During this long cold snap, not a lot got done in our house. The bare minimum really. When I'm cold in the house, I get kind of useless. So just the bare minimum happening and lots of snuggling under blankets and watching tv. Movies and tv shows from the library makes binging easy and honestly, I am not sorry my house is not clean, but everyone is snug! The back of my brain knows it will be warming up soon, so it is cataloging all the dust bunnies, cobwebs and things that have been ignored, but for one more day, we are all focusing on staying warm.

I know that next month's bills are going to be up up compensating for the cold weather. That means funds will have to be redistributed. I will have extra gas money this month as activities were canceled a few times, but that doesn't add up to a lot. That means I have to pull the money from somewhere. We didn't go into debt for Christmas, but we did use some savings. We have a small sum I've been working on, set aside for emergencies, so hopefully that covers it and hopefully that is our only polar vortex.Then I will start working on it again. I am very grateful that this time we have a little money sitting there for the unexpected, but we have not always had that, and may not again. We have definitely had to rob Peter to pay Paul before and hopefully 2024 is our year!

I hope things are going well for you and the year is off to a good start, we've got this!


 Here is this week's menu plan!


  • Breakfast- leftover pancakes, banana 
  • Lunch- leftover pork sandwiches, pretzels, apple
  • Dinner- Vegetable soup, biscuits


  • Breakfast- Pumpkin apple muffins, scrambled eggs
  • Lunch-  sandwiches, crackers, cucumber slices
  • Dinner- Frittata with 1/2 lb sausage now other half for Sunday, toast, fruit cocktail


  • Breakfast-  Muffins, scrambled egg
  • Lunch-  Leftovers, carrots and celery sticks
  • Dinner- One Pot Veggie Pasta stirring some of the leftover pumpkin, peas, garlic toast



  • Breakfast- Oatmeal, toast, apple slices
  • Lunch-  Leftovers, canned pineapple
  • Dinner- Hot dogs, scalloped cabbage, carrots


  • Brunch- Biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, cooked apples
  • Dinner- Chicken Burrito Skillet, roasted broccoli, corn bread


 Have a good week!

~ Sarah

