Monday Meal Planning

 A lot has happened since last week, fortunately we only lost electric for about 30 hours, no other real damage. I know there are so many people who are in trouble and hurting right now, and we are praying for them. It feels weird to do just a normal post, so I thought I would take this post to remind everyone to make sure they have what they need for emergencies. On the news they keep talking about communities that have no water. Some may not have electric for weeks. They have no way to contact family members, no way to charge their phones. These are so very important, and all of us have a responsibility to be as prepared as we can for our families. Storing extra water, solar phone chargers and things to eat that don't require cooking are the bare minimum. 

Preparing won't help if we are one of the unlucky ones who lose everything. But, preparing benefits more than just our family if we are lucky. Having emergency plans obviously means we can adequately feed and hydrate our family and pets, but it also means we can stay out of the stores and leave resources for those who need them. It means we can take care of ourselves so that others can pass us by and help those who can't. It means we can help others. If we are lucky enough to have not been affected by Hurricane Helene, we should pay attention to what the stories are that are coming out of those areas, and learn from them. Have emergency plans in place, what to do if there is a wild fire, tornado, flood, rioting, blizzard, downed electrical grid. Talk through scenarios with your family. What is our plan if we cant text each other, those sort of things. Figure out an evacuation destination if that makes sense for us. Even just thinking through potential scenarios is one step ahead, and that doesn't cost a thing. We've got this. is a great place to start. Stay safe everybody!



  • Breakfast- Leftover pancakes, banana
  • Lunch-  PB&J sandwiches, crackers, apple
  • Dinner- Potato soup and fried bologna sandwiches




  • Breakfast- Eggs, toast, banana
  • Lunch-  Homemade lunchables, cucumber slices, carrots
  • Dinner- Spaghetti, green beans, garlic toast


  • Breakfast- Oatmeal, banana
  • Lunch- PB&J Sandwiches, crackers, apple
  • Dinner- Chicken Burrito Skillet, salad, corn bread

. Saturday-

  • Breakfast- Fritatta, toast, fruit cocktail
  • Lunch- Leftovers
  • Dinner- Brats, scalloped cabbage, peas


 Have a good week!

~ Sarah

